Today I will give you a free Next Launcher without any payment. Click here to install.
How to use Next Launcher1 Download app2 Open app after download3 Click on "Next Launcher" and then "always" see picture ...
Many People can't record their screen, cause they don't have tool or softwares of recording screen,. So today you will see how you can record screen easily with HD. It is so easily to record screen and cursor motion. So now you have to install software called activepresenter. There are several of screen capture softwares but I recommend you to use Activepresenster because it is more efficient that the others....
Photoshop CS6 is the latest software from Adobe that allows you to edit Photo and Create logos with Stylish way. This is the professional software that are used Worldwide as the Photo editor. Photoshop is Very big, more than 1 GB space. So in order to download it, you must use the client called μTorrent. So in this tutorial, I will show you how to do 2 thing:
Downloading μTorrent
Downloading Photoshop C...
There are a lot of ways to lose control of your Facebook account. You may get hacked and ultimately loose Control over your facebook account
Certainly this is not the end of the world, but be aware that you can also be the victim of an attack by malicious softwares and hackers causing much more damage on your Facebook account. It is very important to Prevent Fb Accounts from Being Hacked.Prevent Fb Accounts from Being HackedIndeed , while no...
Every laptop or Netbook user these days have the same headache of limited backup time of batteries. As far as your system is new , you will have a good backup time but when it becomes a few months old you will definitely face problem of limited battery life.
So here I am giving you a solution to Increase battery life of laptop upto a sufficient extent.
There is an inbuilt command in your computer to Increase battery life as well as the performance...
Hi Everybody, It might you registered your Internet Download Manager with Fake Serial Number, but you are suffering from the POP-UP Box say
Internet Download Manager has been registered with a fake Serial Number
Well, this is so harassing. So now I will show you how you how you can remove this
box permanently.
There are two Method of solving this Problem.
Deleting that box
Configure IDM in host...
In This tutorial I will show you how to change mouse cursor to your blog. As you see my blog has blue cursor
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', autoDisplay: false}, 'google_translate_element');...
In this tutorial I'll show you how you can create your onw blog, easier. Just having some requirement and start blogging. Follow careful in order to get started. Good Luck
If you know nothing about this, then its your chance...
We might have seen many people updating their Facebook Status from their Smart phones like iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad, BlackBerry, Samsung Galaxy Note , Samsung Galaxy S III, Sony Xperia Arc S , Windows Phone and many other popular devices, so here you will know how to do ...
How to Change Facebook Profile Name after Name Limits Reached. (2014)
Avinash Prince Change Facebook Profile Name, Facebook, facebook help center, News, Tips and Tricks 30 comments
Is your Facebook Account Name limit is Reached or Exceeded ? ?
Do you want to change your Facebook Profile Name After Name Limits ?
Mostly many people dosent know that facebook keeps some limits for...